Come Join Me!

retreats, workshops, and classes held virtually and around the world


Gathering with you beautiful souls and holding sacred space is one of my most profound joys

Check out the upcoming retreats, workshops, and classes hosted by me or with other amazing guides, practitioners, and creators.



retreats & Workshops



Wintering Retreat

With Ruthie Lindsey and Elizabeth Bennett

February 22nd-23rd 2024

We (Ruthie and Elizabeth) have been dreaming of creating a retreat together for a long time, and deep in the heart of winter feels just right to invite you to join us and go DEEP.

We invite you to embrace wintering with us in a transformative retreat designed to nourish and replenish every facet of your being. In the stillness of the season, this intimate two day retreat, limited to only three participants, presents an opportunity for profound self-exploration and genuine connection with others.

We will cozy up together in Ruthie's home in Nashville from 9am -5pm. (overnight lodging not included.) Her home is such a potent sanctuary, there's no better place to soak in the wisdom of winter.

It is the season of winter that we recharge the batteries of our lives - the energy that we draw from for the rest of the year. It is essential for us all to slow and replenish in the dark of this season, to go into the shadows of our depths to dream, to heal, to integrate to love on the hidden parts that may have been neglected.

We are keeping it tiny so that we can flow between one-on-one sessions and communion with each other.

Visit the link below for more details and to register!


The Sacred Rebel Retreat

Learning to Love Every Part of Yourself

April 12th-14th 2024

Prepare to embark on an extraordinary voyage of self-discovery and healing, where you’ll reconnect with the radiant, whole, and divine essence that is your birthright. Guided by the esteemed author, coach, and soul midwife, Ruthie Lindsey, this transformative retreat promises an experience that transcends the confines of societal norms.

Throughout this empowering weekend, 

  • Discover Liberation Through Expression Break free from the constraints of societal conditioning and embrace your authentic self. Our focus is on unleashing your true voice, reclaiming your intrinsic worth, and honoring your sacred temple—your body.

  • Find Radical Self-Love Explore the art of radical self-love through immersive practices like embodiment exercises, meditation, and transformative shadow work. Embrace and nurture all aspects of yourself, including those you were once taught to reject.

  • Reconnect with Your Body Experience the joy of inhabiting your body through movement, dance, and emotional release techniques. Drop the limitations imposed by society and reconnect with your innate sensuality.

  • Unlearn and Remember Through the power of evocative writing prompts, meditation, and the support of a nurturing community, shed the stories of brokenness and recall your inherent worth, simply for being your authentic self.

  • Learn Integration Practices Each teaching incorporates embodiment exercises to ensure that the knowledge you gain becomes an intrinsic part of your being—moving beyond mere understanding into deep embodiment.

  • Gain Tools for Self-Love Depart from the retreat armed with practical tools for cultivating self-love and compassion. Bid farewell to overthinking and enter a realm of profound embodiment and presence.

By the conclusion of this weekend, you will possess a profound comprehension of the conditioning that led you to believe something was wrong with you and the tools and wisdom required to unlearn these stories and fully embrace the radiant being that resides within.

Join us on this remarkable journey of self-discovery and healing. Reclaim your divine essence, wholeheartedly embrace self-love, and step into a life filled with authenticity, joy, and liberation.

This retreat is open to all, regardless of your background or experience. No matter where you are on your journey, you are welcome here.

For additional details and to register,

click the link below!




Love’s INvitation Monthly Live Gatherings


Each month we host a live group gathering to commune with each other. This changes up each month and could include Q&A’s with Ruthie, somatic practices, dance nights and group rituals


I’D LOVE TO commune with you.

flip through the calendar for upcoming retreat dates


Want to work one on one with me?