Do you dream of feeling liberated in your body and empowered to be your truest, most expressive, and curious self?

Do any of these stories resonate with you?

  • Scared to be seen or have your voice heard

  • Deep feelings of unworthiness

  • Struggle to feel your feelings or be in your body

  • Stuck in your pain stories

  • Longing to bring compassion to parts of you that you were taught were dirty, bad, or sinful

  • Carry deep shame for past mistakes

  • Have a hard time forgiving yourself and others

  • Do you tell yourself that you are “broken” or need to be “fixed

What if you had the tools to break free from those barriers holding you back? What if you could rediscover your authentic self and shine brighter than ever before?

Imagine this:

  • You learn practices to love and embrace every part of you

  • Remembering your divinity

  • Being seen, celebrated, and embraced by a group of supportive women

  • You practice unlearning the stories of unworthiness

  • Finding peace and calm as your nervous system finally finds its balance

  • Recognizing your true worth and knowing deep down that you deserve every bit of happiness and success

  • You finally learn how to feel your feelings and be in your body

Introducing our 2-month sisterhood circle:


From the moment we enter this world, we are born free, knowing ourselves as divine love, whole, and worthy. Yet, societal conditioning often clouds this truth, leading us to believe we must contort ourselves to fit into predefined molds in order to belong and receive approval.

But here's the truth: liberation begins with unlearning. It's about shedding the layers of conditioning that have weighed us down and reclaiming our inherent worthiness. That's why we've created the Sacred Rebel Sisterhood Circle—to provide a nurturing environment where women can rediscover their authenticity, express themselves fully, and embrace their innate power.

We invite you to liberate your heart, body, and mind in a space filled with love, acceptance, and support

What’s Included?

  • 8 Weeks + FaceBook Group

    Sacred Rebel, Sisterhood Circle, unfolds over the span of 8 weeks, where we'll gather together once a week to explore different topics. We'll not only scratch the surface but dive deep into the essence of each topic, peeling back the layers to uncover truths about ourselves and the world around us.

    During this time we'll uplift and support one another, fostering a nurturing environment where each member of our sisterhood feels empowered to explore the depths of their inner and outer worlds.

    Together, we'll navigate the highs and lows, celebrate breakthroughs, and hold space for growth and transformation.

    Between our gatherings, you'll also have access to our Facebook Group , a dedicated space where you can stay connected with one another, share insights, seek support, and foster a deeper connection throughout our entire journey.

  • Accountability Partner

    Each woman will be paired with an accountability partner throughout the 2-month container as a way to support one another, and deepen the sisterhood connection.

    This partner will check in with you once a week (or daily if you choose) to see how the weekly lessons are integrating, to be a mirror for anything that may want to come through, and to have a hand to hold as we all take these steps forward together.

    The accountability partners will be paired by Ruthie, and shared on the first day of the container.

  • Guest Teacher: Chetna

    Chetna Mehta (she/they) is a granddaughter of Indian and South African diasporas. She is a multidisciplinary artist, alchemist, facilitator and founder of Mosaiceye Collective. They offer resources, programs and spaces for creative reflection, learning, play and expansive connection with women and non-binary changemakers. They wrote and illustrated the I Am Devoted Playbook and the Cultivating Abundance Mentality Coloring Book. Chetna holds a BA in Social Sciences from Cal Poly University SLO and a MA in Counseling Psychology from The Wright Institute. She is currently living, making and tending on Muwekma Ohlone tribal land in California.

    This experience invites us into our birthright of song to amplify our voices. Through play, guided invitations and free expression, we sing with loving permission and intention, we loosen energy and bring flow through our throat chakras, we vibrate our nervous systems with joy and we listen for the magic beyond our inner critics.

  • Guest Teacher: Elena Dominguez

    After suffering from a debilitating bout of major depression, Elena Dominguez committed herself to the study of healing and wholeness.  Beginning with a degree in somatic psychology, Elena then applied her embodied lens to over ten years of teaching nervous system health, yoga and meditation. 

    She also trained in and practices neuromuscular massage therapy and reiki, which gives her the opportunity to see and feel into the embodied experience, and literally work with the emotions that live in our fascia and muscles.

    Elena has a private practice helping individuals and couples learn to regulate and balance their nervous systems and deepen their somatic and emotional intelligence, in a therapeutic process she calls Re-Grounding.  Her favorite job is being a mom to her two children.

    You can learn more about Elena and her work at:

We will explore so many ways of expression, self-love, care, and liberation of your beautiful body with a group of women. We get to unlearn the “good girl” character we took on for belonging and become holy disruptors.

Let’s make all the good trouble!



BEGINS 6/5/2024


JOIN TODAY - BEGINS 6/5/2024 -

We will explore:

Click (+) to expand

  • “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” - Carl Yung

    We will learn practices to bring love and attunement to our unconscious, wounded parts that we have been taught are bad, dirty and sinful (those parts are usually driving our lives). We will learn practices to fall in love with all of our parts so we can be whole-hearted women (whole means all of you).

  • The importance of coming back into our bodies to heal, express, and fully be here. When we’re in our minds we’re usually in the future or the past, but to be here is to be in our bodies fully utilizing our senses. Remember, “knowledge is a rumor until it moves into the muscle”. This is where we will learn to come back to our true home, our bodies. To calm our beautiful nervous systems and to integrate all we’re learning into our bodies so it’s no longer a rumor.Item description

  • How to have a loving, fun, relaxed relationship with money. If you’re like the old me, money may scare the shit out of you. We inherit our caregivers and the collective’s limiting stories around money. I want to help you learn new tools to calm your nervous system, and change your experience. I am excited to help conscious women make a lot more money and live more abundantly. EVERYONE, humans, animals, plants, and the earth will be better for it! YOU are so deserving of ABUNDANCE!

  • Learning how to mother ourselves and give ourselves everything our little girl self did not receive when we were young.

  • We all come here with core emotions yet we usually are only allowed to show or feel the “good, sweet and kind” ones. They do not go away. We swallow them and they show up as emotional physical and spiritual pain. We become filled with shame and depression and turn on ourselves believing the lie that we are bad. We know the “Body keeps the score” so I want to teach you ways to release these stuck and frozen emotions. The level you have not felt your anger is the level you have not yet experienced your pleasure.

  • “The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it’s human connection” Johann Hari.

    We are hardwired for connection, so I have included accountability partners in this brave container. It is so crucial to allow ourselves to be seen and loved in the places we feel the most shame. When we are in pain (emotionally, physically or spiritually) our human defense is to shut down and hide. We believe the story that we are all alone. Deep connection and a loving container with other women allow you to stop believing in the allusion of separation and remember you are not alone. This is where true freedom and healing lives.

  • Our nervous system would prefer a familiar hell to an unfamiliar heaven. If your beautiful nervous system does not feel safety within, it will not feel safe to expand, push past limitations, or evolve into the women you were created to be. Elena, has been an incredible teacher of mine and she will be teaching loving and gentle nervous system healing work.

  • "The word “deconstruction” implies an intentional process, a disassembling of something, in order to examine its parts. It is different than “destruction” or “dissolving.” To deconstruct is to take something apart piece by piece rather than smashing it to bits or passively letting it devolve into a mess. Actual deconstruction allows for something to be examined and reassembled or remodeled (hopefully better and stronger)." - Barnabas Piper

    This is one of my favorite topics to teach, I will help you navigate and normalize the deconstruction process from organized religion.

What other rebel women are saying..

  • It takes a special person to gather (a group of) women, strangers from all over, of all different ages, all different backgrounds, all different walks of life, and create a safe and and vulnerable space (over zoom!) that is truly sacred and holy. Ruthie is that special person! You feel loved by her immediately. If you are wanting to heal from trauma (big or small), know yourself deeper, live life from a place of wholeness and fullness, experience the power of women, you need this container. Through Ruthie and the guest speakers, you gain very practical tools needed to do this work. In addition, Ruthie intuitively matches you with another woman to be your partner in this 8 week journey. You check in with that person as much or as little as works for the both of you. And you dance-you dance a lot which for me, someone who is not a dancer this was new and beautiful.

    - Cindy

  • (Since working with Ruthie) I feel a new level of love and compassion for everyone on earth. Now that I’m aware of my own younger parts that struggle and long to be loved on rather than further shamed and rejected. I can bring that awareness to others who are struggling. I have become a kinder and more present friend, colleague, and family member. Other people’s big emotions used to scare me because I was scared of them in myself. Now I can be a sturdier presence. My friends all noticed! And now I love talking to them about feelings and difficult things because I don’t get so overwhelmed and I get to mirror to them the love I know now (thanks to Ruthie) is for all of us, just because we exist.

    - Marianne

  • Working with Ruthie was such a beautifully healing experience. I felt so safe with her on day 1. Her presence and deep acceptance is incredibly healing. She held and witnessed my extra vulnerable parts with such care and love and provided guidance for new ways to work with these vulnerable parts. She helped me see how human i was and that all of me made sense and she introduced me to ideas and tools that are changing my life - she pulls out all of this wisdom because she's done such deep work of her own and she's brilliant. And an absolute breath of fresh air. I can't recommend working with her enough. I didn't want it to end...ever!!!
    - Alicyn

  • (Since joining this circle) I’ve grown emotionally to a more centered place; a more honest acceptance of the inner work I need to continue to do. I feel less scared, and I feel more capable to do the inner work that’s really hard. I feel a sense of feminine love and community I didn't have before.

    - Lilly

  • I feel like I am no longer defined by my pain and suffering. I have freedom and permission to feel pain, but then joy. My default is no longer to see the universe as unfair and unkind but rather wake up expecting miracles and glimmers every day. I never went more than a few hours without repeating “Ruthie said...” You are a treasure trove of knowledge and insights, and I have continued learning from you every day since.

    – Theresa

The Investment

There are two payment options to join this container.

You can make one payment of $1111 or 2 monthly payments of $600.

Who is Ruthie?

Ruthie Lindsey is the author of the memoir There I Am, The Journey From Hopelessness To Healing, A Nashville-based speaker and coach. She helps you access the truest, most liberated version of yourself by becoming endeared to your own life, body, and soul.

Ruthie shares a remarkable story of surviving an accident as a teenager where she died, and the surgery that simultaneously saved and destroyed her body. As a young woman, chronic pain slowly pulled Ruthie away from everything she once held dear: her marriage, her faith, her family, her body, and her very self. She lived in a bed for seven years with debilitating physical, emotional, and spiritual pain, addicted to the highest level of narcotics the doctors had her on. She no longer wanted to live and that misery sent her on the deepest journey of unlearning the story that she was broken and seeking wholeness through many modalities. Including shadow work, nervous system work, embodiment and so much more. But her message is one of strength and resilience, the faith she lost and rebuilt in herself, and the power of telling a new story through radical self-love and compassion. Ruthie mirrors to audiences everything she has needed desperately for herself, how good our bodies are, and the liberation and the wholeness inside us all. Every single part of us belongs here, especially the parts we have been taught are “bad, sinful, broken, or dirty”

Any questions?

Email Jessica at

See you in the circle!

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed psychologist or specialist healthcare professional. My services do not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals, nor are they to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, medical, financial, spiritual, or other qualified professionals.